Proverbs: The Self-Confident Fool

$ 84.99 for a hard copy of the entire curriculum sent via USPS
$ 49.95 for an electronic copy of the entire curriculum sent via email
and obtained via login credentials
There are five types of fools in the book of Proverbs, but God talks the most about the Keciyl fool, or the self-confident fool. It is definitely worth the time it takes to learn about this type of fool. Foolishness is a serious breach of etiquette before God and man and it leads to sin, shame, and disaster in a person’s life.
The world teaches to chase money for happiness, but the Bible teaches wisdom yields a much higher profit than gold. "Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold." Proverbs 3:13-14 Since wisdom is to be sought after more than gold or great riches, teaching these principles is essential.
This curriculum guarantees memorization of 41 scriptures on what God considers wise and foolish behavior. This is an inter-curricular study, meaning Bible and vocabulary lessons are incorporated into the learning system. Therefore, the student will also memorize 150 vocabulary words that pertain to the scriptures.
Proverbs Curriculum
This curriculum contains 8 lessons. Here are the components to the system that are available to be purchased:
Individual prices:
- Full-color illustrated flash cards sent via USPS for $45.99 or via email for $24.99
- A workbook/coloring book sent via USPS for $34.99 or via email for $24.99
- An evaluation packet (includes a lesson plan and tests to evaluate vocabulary memorization) sent via USPS for $28.95 or via email for $14.95
- The electronic quizzes sent to the buyer's email -$34.99
- Video tutorials to virtually teach each lesson. Lesson pacing is only a click away with these videos. They are obtained via login credentials upon payment (includes the electronic files for items 1-4) - $49.95
Hard Copy Package Deal
The whole package above is available for a discount of $84.99. This includes hard copies of items 1, 2, and 3 sent via USPS and items 4 and 5 sent via email and obtainment of login credentials.
Electronic Copy Package Deal
The whole package above is available for a discount of $49.95. This includes hard copies of items 1, 2, and 3 sent via USPS and items 4 and 5 sent via email and obtainment of login credentials.
Proverbs: The Self-Confident Fool Resources
Memory Flash Cards

All memorization is done through the use of pictures. There is a picture with the words on one side of the card and a picture without the words on the back of the card.
There are 41 scriptures in this system to be memorized. God has a lot to say in regard to wise and foolish behavior, but the memorization involved is quick and done in a fast and fun way with the use of these flashcards!
Proverbs Workbook

The Self-Confident Fool Workbook/coloring book includes the coloring book with the story that explains the pictures on the memory cards. It also contains the Hebrew words and meaning behind the scriptures. Because the Hebrew language is richer than the English language, this workbook delves into other English words that are synonyms to the original Hebrew. It becomes a fun exercise in learning vocabulary by connecting multiple English words to the scripture.
This workbook is to be used in conjunction with the flashcards, e-book, and evaluation booklet. This is a coloring book as well. Coloring the pictures aids in the memorization process.
This workbook/coloring book aims to help one understand the pitfalls of the Self-Confident Fool. Click below and scroll down to view a sample of what is inside.
Hard copy spiral sent via USPS for $34.99

Hard copy on 110 lb stock flashcards sent via USPS for $34.99
Proverbs E-Book Electronic Quizzes

The e-book is a digital file sent to the buyer via email. It comes with three quizzes that become harder in succession. The student will completely memorize the wise and foolish scriptures after successfully completing the third quiz. The curriculum is in NKJV.
Directions for use: Press the space bar and the red words appear over the fill-in-the-blank. Press the backspace button to make the words disappear (Note: the space bar feature will not work on the sample).
Directions: Click the slideshow button in the upper right corner. Press the spacebar to advance the slides. There are 41 scriptures in this study total. To take the quiz, guess which word goes in the blank space, then press the spacebar to see if you guessed correctly as the red words appear over the fill-in-the-blank. Press the backspace button to make the words disappear. Continue doing this until there are no mistakes made and then advance to quiz #2 which becomes harder.
Package Deal

Purchase all of the Proverbs Self-Confident Fool Resources together and receive special pricing.
Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are available to virtually teach each lesson. Lesson pacing with fast and easy directions on use of resources are only a click away with these videos. They are obtained via login credentials upon payment. See the package deals above.